Chart Descriptions
Natal Chart (Birth Chart) The natal chart is where it all begins. Your natal chart (also referred to as a birth chart) is a snapshot of all of the planets placements at the time and place of your birth and how they are positioned on your unique astrological wheel. The wheel consists of 12 sections which are calculated based on the exact time and place of birth and each of these sections represent different areas of focus. Each area of focus (section of the astrological wheel) tells us about your potential, your strengths, and your challenges in this lifetime. It is from this astrological wheel that we can look at your path in life and see in what areas your individual strengths and challenges lie. Think of it as your unique planetary life roadmap from which all other chart types are calculated and navigated. Transit Chart The transit chart looks at past, present, or future planetary placements and how they are interacting with your natal chart. This chart will show both beneficial and challenging influences that are unique to you at any given point in time. We can look at the areas that are being affected in your life, along with specific time-frames that these influences are in play. With the transit chart we can predict the time-frames when you can make the most of present and future opportunities in any area of focus. Looking at present and future transits we can determine the best times for you to attract love, look for a new job, or plan a special event. Looking at the past, you can better understand the influences that you have had along the way and how they played an important part in your life journey. Knowing which influences have helped you, and which may be blocking your success, are the keys to understanding how to make the most of positive and overcome challenging influences so you can achieve ultimate success in any area of your life. Solar Return Chart The solar return chart is done annually based on your most recent birthday and where you were on your birthday. So, if you spent most of the day in the city or town where you currently reside it would be based on that location. However, if you were away or in a different location on your birthday, it would be calculated based on that location. With the solar return chart we can take a look at key themes for your year ahead. These themes can be about love, relationships, career, money, health, or spirituality and how they will be relevant to you throughout the year. Progressions Transit Chart The progressions chart is based on how your natal chart planets progress each year. This is an additional look at long term influences that are affecting you from a different perspective. Each year after your birth, the sun moves one degree forward until it reaches the next sign, so it can take anywhere from one to 30 years to progress to the next sign depending on the degree of your sun at birth. When it goes into the next astrological sign you will start to notice subtle attributes of that next sign in the way you think, look and appear to others. For example, if you are born a Cancer your sun will eventually progress into Leo, and 30 years later into Virgo, etc. This shift often coincides with life changes or areas of focus or behavior. Some examples would be a career change, going back to school, having children, moving, or taking that big trip you have postponed for years, changing your appearance, or becoming more vocal, confident, or organized, etc. These changes take place more slowly throughout your life as most planets take several months or years to go to the next sign. Love, Relationship, and Friendship Compatibility Chart The relationship chart looks at the energies between two individuals and how they work together harmoniously, and also the areas where the energies are more challenging. Knowing where we are at our best together, how physically attracted we are to each other, where we may clash or need to put in extra effort, or how well our energies work together as a team, can really help our relationships to be harmonious and successful. Children’s Chart The children's chart helps you to better understand your child in ways that may not be apparent. You will discover areas where they have potential to prosper and grow easily as well as areas where they may have difficulties or challenges where they may need help in overcoming. Having this information can be invaluable, not only to help you to foster your child’s overall growth and success, but also to empower your child to accept themselves to be all that they are meant to be in their own unique and individual way. |